Student Blogs Spring ’15

For the Spring semester of Rhetoric and Civic Life, you will maintain two regular blog categories: the Passion Blog and the Civic Issues Blog. A third category, RCL, will occasionally be used to post drafts for commentary and review. The due dates for blogs are more complicated this semester, so you will need to check the RCL II 2015 Course Schedule regularly. We will spend most of our Thursday blogging classes reading and responding to one another’s blog posts. Indeed, thoughtful commenting: 1. Furthers the discussion prompted by the post in thoughtful and meaningful ways. 2. Responsibly and responsively critiques working drafts, offering thoughtful suggestions that help the writer improve his or her work. 3. Adheres to the Penn State Principles, especially when disagreeing with the writer. Quality commenting on others’ blogs will be a significant component of your final blog grade.

Blogging details at a glance:

  • Three blog categories to maintain: Passion (500 words per week); Civic Issues (700 words every other week); and RCL (as assigned on course schedule).
  • Official blogging runs for a 10-week period.
  • Blogs are due before Thursday classes.
  • 50% of your blog grade is participation; the other 50% is reserved for the quality of blog entries and commenting.

More about: Passion Blog

More about: Civic Issues Blog

For each blog I ask that you upload a copy to an Angel dropbox. This assures that I have access to a copy in case anything happens to your blog site. Blogging will take place in two teams. There will be a red and a blue team. Your team assignments are listed here. I will also create hyperlinks to your sites here.

Yixuan Wang
Garren Stamp
Kavya Vaseekaran
TJ Greene
Eric Hodge
Melanie Ramirez
Kyle Trabocco

Matthew Keefe
Marisa George
Priyanka Bose
Emma Behr
Aneri Bakshi
Matthew Allan
Kassandra Trinkley


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